Volunteering with Buurtbuik: Learn Dutch & cook for the community

At Koentact, we always seek unique and meaningful ways to help our students practice their Dutch while connecting with the local community. Therefore, we would like to introduce you to Buurtbuik, an incredible organization that combines these goals by saving food from waste and sharing it with the locals. Volunteering with Buurtbuik is a fantastic opportunity to dive into the Dutch culture, improve your Dutch, and make a positive impact in Amsterdam.

What is Buurtbuik?

Buurtbuik is an organization run by Dutch locals and internationals. They aim to reduce food waste by collecting leftover food from local restaurants, supermarkets, and grocery stores. They transform these ingredients into delicious meals for the community. By doing this, they bring neighbours together, foster a sense of community, and contribute to a more sustainable environment.

Young people next to a Buurtbuik bike that they use to collect food

How can I join?

Volunteering with Buurtbuik is straightforward and flexible, making it easy to fit into your schedule. Here’s how you can get involved:

1. Sign Up

If you’re interested in volunteering, select the preferred location and sign up through the contact form on the Buurtbuik website. You’re welcome to join for a day to see if it’s a good fit for you.

2. Choose your shift

Buurtbuik prepares meals every Saturday and offers two shifts:

  • Saturday Morning Shift: 9:45 AM – 1:00 PM
  • Saturday Afternoon Shift: 11:45 AM – 3:30 PM

You can choose to volunteer for one shift or both, depending on your availability. Once you’ve signed up, Buurtbuik expects you to arrive on time and stay until the end of your shift.

3. Cook and serve meals

As a volunteer, you’ll help with tasks like collecting food, cooking meals, and serving them to the attendees. Each session is a creative challenge because you never know what ingredients you’ll get to work with!

4. Enjoy a meal

All volunteers receive a free meal to take home!

Why Volunteer with Buurtbuik?

Improve your Dutch

Buurtbuik mission in Dutch

Volunteering with Buurtbuik is a great way to practice your Dutch in a real-world setting.

You’ll interact with native speakers and fellow learners, expanding your vocabulary and improving your conversational skills.

Connect with the community

You’ll meet a diverse group of people, including locals and other internationals, building friendships and expanding your network in Amsterdam.

Make a difference

Your efforts will help reduce food waste and provide nutritious meals to those in need, contributing to a more sustainable and caring community.

Locations in Amsterdam

Buurtbuik operates in several locations across Amsterdam, making it easy to find a volunteering spot near you:

Join Buurtbuik Today!

Volunteering with Buurtbuik is a rewarding experience that combines language learning with community service. Whether you choose to help once, weekly, or monthly, your contribution will make a significant impact. To get started, sign up via the contact form on the Buurtbuik website. Happy volunteering!