“Groeten uit Holland” with Meester Koen

The founder of Koentact, Koen Gijzel, will be featured in the new series of ‘Groeten uit Holland’ (BNN VARA/ NPO2). Meester Koen will teach Dutch to Habiba, Farida, Fatima, Aicha and Khadija, five incredible sweet and outspoken Moroccan ladies. To put the ‘classroom Dutch’ into action, Meester Koen sends the ladies on Koentact-style Field Trips. …

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The first step

On how many occasions in your life did you feel reluctant to take the first step? It might have been asking that colleague out on a date. Or eating a grasshopper for the first time (spoiler alert: tastes like nuts, not like chicken). Going to the gym with your winter chubby-chops. Picking up the phone …

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Video: Amsterdam Language Cafe – Potluck Night

Every month Koentact organizes the Amsterdam Language Cafe (ALC) with a different theme. Last month it was Potluck time! The proceeds from the ALC go to our Kinderproject in West. For an overview of upcoming ALC’s and themes, you can click here.

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Video: Flirting in Dutch

In this video, one of out teachers shows you how to flirt in Dutch. Now that’s an important Dutch skill if ever there was one! 😉 Learn the three important steps required when flirting with the Dutch. How to give compliments using the correct Dutch grammar. The importance of a good openingszin (opening line) and …

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Het Kinderproject

Koentact’s main objective is to spread the Dutch language the fun way among as many expats as possible. Being able to speak the local language is crucial if you have longer-term plans here in Holland: you can immerse in the culture of the country more deeply, leave communicational burdens behind, and have the chance to …

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Video: Swearing in Dutch

One of the most important language skills required when speaking Dutch is how to swear like a native. In this video, one of our teachers shows how to swear in Dutch using female genital parts. Wat leuk!  

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In the words of our teachers: Nathalie

Dutch Deli courses (B1-B2) It is fantastic when your students get to a level where they do not only understand insider language jokes but start making them! Lessons are no longer lessons but a genuine exchange of information, humor, thought and feelings in one specified language. As a language teacher, it is awesome to see …

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New Year, new ambitions, and how not to lose them

It is a new calendar year. During this time, everyone is busy with living up to their new year’s resolutions. Did you decide that “I want to be fluent in Dutch!” and ”I am going to learn in Dutch!” but you are already in trouble sticking to that? Let us guide you and give you …

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Amsterdam Language Café – A look back at 2017

The holidays are just around the corner and the end of the calendar year is fast approaching. Since plenty of things have happened around our Amsterdam Language Café, we have a lot to share with you about this ‘free-style playground’ for Language Lovers from all over the world. Altogether 44 workshops were organised this year: …

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Here in Holland podcast

Andy Clark from the Here in Holland podcast was with us during our last field trip. Andy was a great guest and we had a good time showing him how we do things at Koentact. Andy’s Dutch is excellent already but perhaps he did pick up a thing or 2 about learning Dutch in a …

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