The Netherlands is famous for its cheeses. You will find cheese shops in every city in the Netherlands, selling many delicious kinds of cheeses. From jonge kaas to oude kaas and from kaas uit Gouda to kaas uit Edam!
So, how do you pick the right cheese? Well, it’s a true journey, but here are some things that might help you with your first pick!
We have young and old cheeses, and they’re categorized by age:

So, now you know what it means when it says ‘JONG’ on the package. But then, there is something else you need to know. Next, to these terms there are also numbers with a + sign next to them, informing you about the amount of fat that the cheese contains. Yes, the options will become endless combining these 2 factors. That is the exact reason why we decided to offer you these guidelines.
100 grams of cheese contains 40 grams of water. That leaves 60 grams of cheese.
When it says 20+ on the package that means that the 60 grams left contain 20% of fat.
Long story short, 20% of 60 grams is 12 grams of fat!

Whether you’re into full-fat matured cheese, skimmed old cheese or semi-skimmed young cheese, there’s something for everybody! Next time you walk into that cheese shop you will walk out of it having bought that one perfect blokje kaas.
Next time more about the Leidse Boerenkaas, graskaas, rookkaas, Beemster kaas, brandnetelkaas, Noord-Hollandsche kaas, knoflookkaas and Edammer kaas.