Get ready for civic integration at Koentact

Do you want to know more about what Koentact offers in terms of civic integration preparation? Then this blog post is for you. We’ll guide you through the process of learning Dutch and preparing for civic integration in a fun and casual way. Laten we beginnen!

If you’re planning to stay in the Netherlands for an extended period of time or to settle here permanently, you may need to go through the civic integration process. DUO, which stands for Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs, is the Dutch Service Execution Education that has created this step-by-step plan to help guide you through the process. To make this plan, you need to know under which integration law you are required to integrate. Don’t you know under which law you are required to integrate? You can read this in Mijn Inburgering.

Preparing for the civic integration exam

The civic integration exam tests your knowledge of the Dutch language and culture. There are two exams, one on A2 level and one on B1 level. Which exams you need to take, depends on the act that applies to you: the 2013 civic integration act (‘inburgerings wet 2013’) or the 2021 civic integration act (‘inburgering wet 2021’). If you don’t know which law applies to you, check Mijn Inburgering. Both exams are divided into different aspects, testing your Dutch writing, speaking, listening, and reading. Besides that, it also tests your knowledge of Dutch society.

At Koentact, you can join four courses to reach level A2 and three courses to reach level B1. If you’re an absolute beginner, you can join Dutch Experience 1, 2, 3, and 4 to reach the needed level. Dutch Experience 1 and 2 cover level A1, Dutch Experience 3 and 4 cover level A2 and Dutch Challenge 1-3 cover level B1.

From Dutch Experience 3 (the first half of level A2) onwards, you can join the free civic integration workshops that Koentact offers in addition to the courses. Every session, we host 3 workshops. In these consecutive 2,5-hour workshops, experienced teachers will provide you with invaluable insights and knowledge to help you tackle the exam’s different aspects. You can join the workshops in addition to every course that you join at Koentact. It’s not possible to join the workshops without having joined a language course with us.

If you will start learning Dutch at Koentact, this path could help prepare you for the exam:

  • Dutch Experience 1 (first half of level A1)
  • Dutch Experience 2 (second half of level A1)
  • Dutch Experience 3 (first half of level A2) and 3 civic integration workshops
  • Dutch Experience 4 (second half of level A2) and 3 civic integration workshops
  • Dutch Challenge 1-3 (all B1) and 3 civic integration workshops

The workshops are the same in every session. You can choose to join the workshops during Dutch Experience 3/4 or Dutch Challenge 1/3. It’s also possible to join both times, repetition is the key to success!

Course costs and package deals

An in-person Dutch course costs €510,-. However, if you’re committed to mastering the language and achieving your integration goals, consider the package deal. By paying for all four courses upfront, you take advantage of a €50,- discount per course. This means that you’ll pay €1.840,- for the entire package, instead of €2.040,-. The payment must be made before starting your first course, and you’ll have one year to complete all four courses.

It is not possible to pay for a Koentact course with a DUO loan. You can find an overview of schools that work with DUO here.

Do you have any questions? Please feel free to reach out by sending a message via our contact form, or by sending an email to